Sometimes folks or businesses don’t want a full fence but they still want some measure of control around the perimeter of their property. We have a number of different solutions.
Bollards are posts that are cemented in the ground to protect a perimeter or a portion of a perimeter from vehicular traffic. They’re available in vinyl, wood, or steel, in varying grades. Wood bollards can separate a driveway from a lawn, for example, while commercial steel bollards are often used to protect sensitive equipment like pad-mounted electrical boxes.

Industrial Steel Bollards
Barrier Fencing
Barriers come in both commercial and residential grade. They typically delineate changes in property use. Similar to bollards, they block vehicles but they also encourage visitors to follow the lanes you’ve set out for them. Barrier gates are available as well. They work the same way except they can be opened to permit vehicle access and egress.

Barriers mark property lines and control pedestrian flow.
Tube Gates
Tube gates are fairly common on back roads that lead to private property in cottage country. Hikers will have no problem getting around them, but they’re terrific protection against unwanted vehicles.

Tube gates are often used to block cars in cottage country.
More questions?
If you have more questions about perimeter control or other subjects we’re happy to answer them. Call 613-736-1122 or hit the chat button on the right during business hours.