How many bags of concrete do I need for a 4×4 fence post?
Do-it-yourselfers can expect to use about a bag and a half to two bags of quick [...]
Do-it-yourselfers can expect to use about a bag and a half to two bags of quick [...]
For some folks money isn't an issue. For others, curiosity is. Both have asked [...]
There are a couple advantages to signing now even though we're well into the of [...]
Your house isn’t just an investment, it’s a beautiful home that you’re proud to [...]
If you’ve recently installed a fence, you may need to pick up a few accessori [...]
We get asked this question a lot so we've decided to a do a blog post on it. Typ [...]
Durable Powder Coating is a subsidiary of Fence-All. At DPC we've powder coated [...]
Privacy fence can be expensive. We're often asked if there are ways to trim the [...]
When the time comes to replace your old fence there are a few things you’ll n [...]
Hard digging is an extra charge to cover difficult digging conditions. [ [...]