A pressure treated fence post can generally last 10 to 25 years. Untreated cedar fence posts have decay protection because of their natural oils and compounds, but will usually last a few years less than their pressure treated counterparts. The actual number depends a lot on the environment and the conditions. Harsh weather and high moisture levels, for example, are tough on wood posts no matter what type they are.

Can I make wood posts last longer?

Yes! Pro-Sleeves are a terrific way to extend the life of your wood fence. They’re heat-shrinkable sleeves with a meltable liner that protect wood posts from rot and decay around the vulnerable ground line area.

The weakest link in a wood fence is right where the post meets the ground. Rot isn’t usually a problem deeper down because there’s no oxygen to jump-start the chemical processes that cause decay. Above the ground line the fence is high and dry. Pro-Sleeves target the problem area.

How does it work?

We put the sleeves on the posts in our shop before they’re shipped to your address. They’re slipped onto the posts then the bituminous liner is melted with a heat gun to form a perfect ground line seal.


Pro-Sleeves are installed in our shop before the job is shipped.

Are they warrantied?

Yes! The sleeves come with a 20 year manufacturer’s warranty. It really is a simple and affordable way to add years to your wood fence. Ask your sales rep for details.

More questions?

If you have more questions about posts or other subjects, we’re happy to answer them. Call 613-736-1122 or click the chat button on the right during business hours.