Yes we do! Tennis court fence is available in 10′ or 12′ heights. For a detailed schematic see here.
The Layouts
Tennis court fence comes in two general layouts. As always, a picture is worth a thousand words:
The Two Ends configuration is easier on the budget and works well in open areas where casual games are the norm. The Full Court option is more expensive, but the protection on all sides means more privacy and less running around after wayward shots.
A special consideration
Tennis fence has a special mesh with diamonds that are smaller than the usual chain link fence. The diamond width is 1-3/4″. The idea: a regulation tennis ball has at least a 2-1/2″ diameter. The smaller mesh keeps the ball from becoming stuck in the diamonds when a shot hits the fence.
More questions?
If you have more questions about tennis court fencing or related products we’re happy to answer them. Call 613-736-1122 or hit the chat button on the right during business hours.