There are a couple advantages to signing now even though we’re well into the off-season.

Lock in the price

If you buy now you’re protected against price increases over the winter. It’s particularly important this year because of COVID. The pandemic has made our costs much more uncertain due to unanticipated disruptions in our supply chain. In short, a signed contract now means peace of mind for your pocketbook.

An early place in line

We install our orders on a First In, First Out basis (you can read more about it here.) This means the sooner you sign, the sooner your job gets done. During the busy season in the spring the line gets long fast: it’s not uncommon for jobs sold in May to be scheduled for fall installation. You can beat the rush–and many do–by signing in the off-season.

A blog note

Speaking of the off-season, we’re going to take a break from the blog for a couple of months. We’ll be back in February. Hope you and your family stay safe and have a wonderful holiday.

See you on the other side,
Your friends at Fence-All