Lumber is a natural product. The wood starts to dry out the day the fence is installed. Cracking, twisting, splitting, warping: it’s all normal and unavoidable. Staining or sealing can help, but the wood will eventually dry out and crack.

There’s no one timeframe for this occurring because too many factors are involved (the weather, the type of lumber, the year of the lumber, exposure to sunlight, etc.). But it will happen to every wood fence.

It’s the reason wood doesn’t have a warranty (as per the industry standard). You can find a lot more information about wood here. Many folks are aware of the characteristics of lumber and prefer it because of its tried and true history as a fence material. But if its tendency to change over time is a problem for you, we suggest a vinyl fence instead.

split logs

It’s very natural for wood to split as it dries.

More Questions?

If you have any questions about wood that weren’t covered here, we’re happy to answer them. Call 613-736-1122 or click the chat button on the right during business hours.