It’s a good question and one that we get asked a lot. For most residential fences 8′ between posts is the maximum. Commercial fences (industrial chain link, for example) typically can handle up to 10′ spacing because of their stronger frames. All things being equal, the closer the posts are together the better it is for the fence. We offer a number of upgrades with this in mind.
4′ or 6′ wide panels
For iron, vinyl, and wood fences closer spacing is available as an upgrade. 4′ and 6′ wide panels mean a stronger fence and less space between the bottom of the fence and the ground. It’s very popular with pet-friendly families.

Narrower panels mean a stronger fence with less space beneath.
Even panel lengths for iron
Iron fence panels are typically 8′ long. If the length of a run of fence isn’t evenly divisible by 8 a make-up panel will be needed at one end of the run. With the even panel lengths upgrade all the panels are the same length and there is no need for the make-up panel.
6′ maximum post spacing for chain link
The simplest and most cost effective way to make a stronger chain link fence is to add line posts. They strengthen top rail support and reduce top rail sagging. We strongly suggest this option if 1) you plan to add privacy slats or 2) your fence will have snow piled near it (never on it) or 3) your fence has long, straight runs where top rail sagging can become more obvious.

Closer post spacing makes a stronger fence.
More questions?
If you have more questions about posts or other subjects, we’re happy to answer them. Call 613-736-1122 or hit the chat button on the right during business hours.