No need for expensive lasers or new-fangled equipment. String is old-school but it’s still a rock solid way to get your alignment straight when installing a fence from scratch. Here’s how you do that.
Gather Your Tools:
Before you begin, ensure you have the necessary tools and materials. These typically include wood or metal stakes, string, and a hammer to pound in the stakes. Some gardening equipment may be necessary if there are obstructions in the fence line. Anything from shears to a chainsaw could be required depending on the nature of the job.
Clear the Fence Line:
Make sure there are no obstructions along the fence line. You’ll want to see space for a run in its entirety while you’re standing behind one of the endpoints.
Mark the Fence Line:
Do one run at a time. Mark the exact position where you want your fence go. Drive wooden stakes into the ground a little past the end points of the proposed fence line.
Attach the string:
Attach at one end and stretch the string until it is taut between the two stakes before tying it off at the other end. Double check that it is tightly stretched with no slack anywhere along the fence line.
Walk the line:
Make sure there aren’t any snags or obstructions you missed while clearing the fence line. Congratulations! Now you’re ready to measure off and dig your post holes.
More questions?
If you have any other questions about installations we’re happy to answer them. Call 613-736-1122 or hit the chat button on the right during business hours.

“For all your fence, deck, and railing needs”