Generally “Yes” but there are exceptions. The top rail is an important component of a chain link fence. It provides support and stability and helps prevent sagging or leaning over time. While wood fences typically have two rails (one at the top and one at the bottom), most chain link fences will just have one rail at the top and wire at the bottom. They both run the length of the fence.
We offer a lightweight version of a chain link fence called critter guard that’s used to protect gardens and hedges from small animals. It has a maximum height of 26″ and uses wire along the top instead of a rail.

Critter Guard is an exception. It’s lightweight fencing that uses a wire instead of top rail.
Commercial chain link fencing along highways and medians typically uses top wire instead of top rails. This is a safety precaution in the event that a car crashes through the fence. Sagging isn’t a problem because commercial chain link is stronger than residential grade fencing.
More Questions?
If you have more questions about chain link fencing in Ottawa, we’re happy to answer them. Please call us at 613-736-1122, or click the chat button on the right during business hours.